
KvC winquotes: PTX-40A

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ToyoRai's avatar

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-"You couldn't stand a chance on enviroment I have to work with at all."

-" This VS is perfectly balanced out. Firepower, strengh, speed, mobility, everything is top notch."

-"The damage you did to Ivan is easily repairable. Infact, just a paint job could do most of it."

-"Be glad I don't hunt humans with this. Otherwise you could been vaporized right now."

-"Not bad, I must say. Rarely I have seen some one like you even stand a small stand agains some one like this."

-"As you can clearly see, I can take both of you down without needing to rely on actual partner."

Vs. Konami

Vs. Simon Belmont: "You truly think that a whip and few other weapons can stand agains the arsenal what Ivan has?"

Vs. Dracula: "Who are you? I haven't seen a human with that kinda ability before."

Vs. Jonathan Morris and Charlotte Aulin: "You headed at me like you two have faced agains some one tought as me before."

Vs. Aeon: "Darn, I almost ran out of energy on that one. How did it deplede so fast?"

Vs. Gabriel Belmont: "You won't be finding no weakspots on Ivan to take advancive so don't try."

Vs. Solid Snake: "You seemed to try to destroy armor projecting cockpit at first. Good idea but it won't work."

Vs. Metal Gear Rex: "I must admit, for some one with so primitive weapons, you actually stood a reasonable chance."

Vs. Gyborg Ninja: "Suprised that Ivan was able to keep up with your speed right there, huh?"

Vs. Psycho Mantis: "You cannot predict everything what I can do, especially if it's one of my greater weaponry."

Vs. Bill Rizer: "What are you thinking? You cannot just run towards something with guns blazing like that."

Vs. Solar Boy Django: "You know, I needed little bit of sunlight as where I come from is mostly dark and cold."

Vs. The Count: "A vampire can maybe survive cold, but we're a lot better prepared."

Vs. Heather Mason: "Trust me, the creatures what that place you talked about would summon from my memories would be seriously destructive."

Vs. Goemon: "Ok, I admit. That Goemon Impact thing, caught me off guard a bit."

Vs. Sasuke: "Even if you're  small and agile, you won't be dogding so well then I unleash my entire armory at you."

Vs. Hikaru: "Ivan ain't no cutsey robot you have faced before. It's a war machine, maded to take down any treads down."

Vs. Aoba Anoa: "You won't be 'shooting the core' with me. You just have to try to get trough Ivan's armor and then try to defeat me."

Vs. Twinbee: "You might be quick, but you lack almost all the power to give Ivan the run of her money."

Vs. Konami Man: "What are you try to be? Somekinda superhero or something?"

Vs. Getsu Fuuma: "Your weaponry is very ancient but at the same time, suprinsingly effective."

Vs. Ryukotsuki: "You're some kinda demon, huh? Well, I'm sure that VS like this can take even those down."

Vs. Sparkster: "And what kind of tread you ment to pose on me, little rat?"

Vs. Axel Gear: "Even if you brought out a machine of your own, it still wouldn't do any good when facing against Ivan."

Vs. Leo Stenbuck/Jehuty: "You think that you have advancive over Ivan, but she has a trick on her sleeve which evens our odds."

Vs. Lady X: "Did you just suplex Ivan there? I don't know should I laught or cry on that."

Vs. Lazlo: "Even if you would unload every single Rune Cannon you have, I would still stand still and sink your ships right away.

Vs. Tir McDohl: "Don't think either I or Ivan will go down by your magic tricks, kid."

Vs. Luca Blight: "Yep, you're crazy. You rarely see some one go agains a VS with just a sword."

Vs. Capcom

Vs. Ryu: "I don't care how much you have trained, but there is no way your feats can be possible at all."

Vs. M. Bison: "You're a crazy maniac! Good thing I came well prepared to blow any pyscho out of my way."

Vs. Rose: "There is no need to see my future. I am sure that my future will be fine with Ivan in my side."

Vs. Charlie: "Martial arts ain't going to cut trough Ivan's armor. How about you bring a gun or jet plane or something."

Vs. Demitri Maximoff: "So you ment to be a vampire? Well if you are, you need to go trough Ivan to suck my blood!"

Vs. Donovan Baine: "Next time, try summoning something what can actually crush trough Ivan's armor."

Vs. MegaMan.EXE: "I have never seen some one to have so much variety of weapons in his disposal. YOu think there would be a limit on how much you can carry."

Vs. SF MegaMan: "You took me for a suprise, kid. Shows how much one creature can do to some one."

Vs. Prometheus and Pandora: "VS ain't some weak Mechaloids you might have met up with. They are the real deals."

Vs. MegaMan Juno: "You and your Reavers are nothing compared to what I had to face before."

Vs. Nathan "Rad" Spencer: "Grabbing on Ivan was a bad mistake on your part, buddy."

Vs. Claire Redfield: "Zombies? No problem. I can just drive trough them without any problem."

Vs. HUNK: Stick with the undead and whatever if you want to keep your unkillable title with you."

Vs. Vergil: "Weren't expecting some pretty guy like you to do a number on my VS. You still came short on defeating me."

Vs. Alice: "Yoy know, I wouldn't be suprised if you could actually take down an Akrid or two."

Vs. Regina: "After Akrids, dinosaurs look like piece of cake to take down."

Vs. Mike Haggar: "Wait, did you just throw Ivan there? That was relly suprising."

Vs. Goldibus: "That was tought one. Even some of the stronger Akrids ain't this hard to take down."

Vs. Captain Commando: "You had to gang up just to fight Ivan, yet still you couldn't even make a dent. That's pretty sad."

Vs. Strider Hiryu: "All these scrathes on Ivan gonna be annoying to take care off. Thank's a lot."

Vs. Pure the Mage: "Come back then you have grown up and gotten an proper way of defending yourself."

Vs. Nina: "So, you know a guy who can bring out a dragon? Just so you know, I've fought bigger."

Vs. Chuck Greene: "You have variety of weapons in your side, but nothing to match the ones I have."

Vs. PTX-40A: "In this type of battle, it's not the mech what counts, it's the person who commands the mech who will come as the victorious."

Vs. Gene: "You... you actually managed to actually punch trough Ivan's armor! Good thing I came heavily prepared to guys like you."

Vs. June Lin Milliam: "I was sorta thinking that your weapon could match bit of a chance agains me."

Vs. Mai-Ling: "Your fire attacks barely left marks on Ivan's armor. Try something with more heat on it."

Vs. Nobunaga Oba: "I can feel his evil powers all the way from my cockpit. Frightning."

Vs. Other

Vs. Kai: "I took major pity on you right there, kid."

Vs. Celia: "Are you the one who brought me here? If so, then why exacly you did it?"

Vs. Filia: "Your friend isn't strong enough to even leave a hair fracture to Ivan."

Vs. Yugo: "Hope your fur can keep your warm. Back where I come, you better keep yourself warm at any cost."

Vs. Taokaka: "Your claws are like backscrathers then going agains Ivan's armor."

Vs. Seto Kaiba: "Your giant friend isn't as huge to creatures I have run into. And each time I come out alive."
Here's winquotes for PTX-40A for my game idea, Konami vs Capcom.

Like in Tatsunoko vs Capcom, PTX-40A is piloted by a random pilot.

(Lost Planet series: Owned by Capcom)
© 2011 - 2024 ToyoRai
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GodDragonKing's avatar
So does this guy not get a partner
"What are you thinking? You cannot just run towards something with guns blazing like that."
Yes he can.
"Did you just suplex Ivan there? I don't know should I laught or cry on that."
I'd laugh.
"Trust me, the creatures what the place you told me about could be destructive as what."
Could you explain the quote to me, the typos make it too confusing.